索斯风管系统有多种颜色可与室内任何环境格调保持和谐,简约高档。同时, 系统及色彩完全进行个性化设计及订制。 |
多支架、多法兰、保温层等造成 传统风管系统杂乱繁琐,随时间 推移显得陈旧、掉色。 |
索斯风管系统材质柔软,运行时风速低,不会产生和传递共振,宁静,改善环境品质。索斯风管系统材质柔软,运行时风速低,不会产生和传递共振,宁静,改善环境品质。 |
索斯风管系统由特殊纤维织成,重量极轻,约为传统金属风 系统的 1/40 ,特别适合屋顶无承重能力的新建或改造工程。 |
Metal ductwork leads to very heavy roof load from heavy weight itself and flanges, brackets, installation accessories |
索斯风管系统采用专用配套的钢绳或滑轨悬挂系统,简单快 捷,安装时间往往是传统系统的1/10或更短,极大地缩短了工 程周期,工程现场无任何材料损耗。 |
大都现场制作,耗时且重量过重和 安装操作复杂等原因,安装时间长 ,成本高。 |
Reliable quality
Introduce large laser production line and system simulation platform into NanoSox system, all products are manufactured in our factory to ensure high pressure resistance, tiny passive permeability, basic properties etc. |
Metal ducts are fabricated at site, quality is not guaranteed. |
Employ environmental-friendly synthetic fabric, green manufacturing, installation and operating procedure , convenient transportation, storage and recycle. Meanwhile, large space laminar flow model makes NanoSox system more energy-saving. |
Traditional ductwork like metal, phenol consume large number of nature sources, it often cause plenty of material wastes and loss due to fabriciation error or inproper operation. |
Simpler NanoSox design could replace the whole traditional ductwork including air ducts, valves, diffusers and insulation materials, lightweight, easy transportation and installation to reduce overall cost. |
Although the price of traditional duct per unit area is lower than NanoSox air dispersion system, but it
consume large quantity material, more accessories and components,Besides, the installation cost and maintenance fee are also higher than NanoSox air dispersion system. |